Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Five Things You Should Never Do as a Psychic, Medium or Fortuneteller (And Five Things You shouldn't Expect as a Client)

We’re living at a very interesting time in human history.  The system is broken.  Our air, food and water are being poisoned.  The school systems are cutting up our minds and limiting our ability to develop true vision.  Our medical system is killing us while bankrupting us for the privilege of doing so.  Dysfunctional relationships are being held up as an ideal to strive for.  We are being conditioned to consume well beyond our means and needs. Our so-called ‘leaders” are dividing us: turning us against each other while they pillage our planet for their own profits.  We have been trained to value money over all else and even the religions have aligned to this philosophy. 

People are facing a great deal of cognitive dissonance: what they believe is right and what they are being told is right are very different things and it is creating confusion within them.  People are working in careers that produce nothing, that give nothing and make nothing and being told this is noble.  So many are stuck on the lower rungs of ‘Maslow’s Pyramid of Needs’ that actualization of humanity is completely impossible. 
A huge portion of our planet has never been able to successful make the transition from childhood to adulthood and that has left people confused, hurt and bitter.  We are not seeing life happen for us the way it did for our grandparents and parents.  Victimhood is being held up as the human ideal while heroism and power are looked at as evil things.

 It is a very confusing time indeed, and very interesting time to be a soothsayer, oracle, fortuneteller, psychic or medium.  Traditionally these people held a role outside of society and they warned people of dangers coming or of what hazards could befall a person if they invested their energy in superficial values.  It was never so easy to get to an oracle as it is now.  In the past, the seeker would have to get out of their comfort just to make the journey to one.  Once there, they would have to pay a price commensurate with the information they sought.  Often they had to prove themselves worthy and the information came wrapped in a riddle that they had to unravel; that process itself being part of the solution to their problem.  These days oracles are a dime a dozen, their advice as ubiquitous as fast food and often, equally as nourishing.  Gone are the days of lineage, of studying with a master and of the understanding the true nature of the human mind and of exactly what price such oracular information comes at.  

Because of this the advice is rarely valued by the clients of modern soothsayers because the seeker did no real work get it.  They simply put down a 20 dollar bill they way they would for a movie, or a gin and tonic or a funnel cake at a carnival and treat the experience exactly as they would the other three: as a cheap affirmation of the ego and a balm to temporarily ease their insecurity about themselves.

For those of you who are professional fortunetellers, psychic, mediums or  even hypnotists, doctors, massage/physical therapists,  and counselors for that matter: it is a strange time indeed. People who have spent a lifetime building bad habits approach us demanding  immediate gratification: immortality, healing, fulfillment and enlightenment in 30 minutes or less and, “Oh by the way I’d like a coupon for a discount…” 

What makes it even more challenging is that people pay us to tell them how to succeed within a system that had been designed to make the majority fail so a “privileged few” can profit from it.  It’s a strange time because when you throw the cards you often hear warnings for a client such as: “Don’t get involved in this situation”; “Perhaps you should back off from this relationship”; “Maybe this career isn’t going to make you happy, nor is the next one because that’s not what is making you miserable: the fact that you are alienated from your natural self is”; “ There is nothing you can study in a system like this that will liberate you because the values of this system and the things that it is teaching are morally bankrupt and designed to get you to be at war with yourself.”

So, what do when you see the way that people are confused and hurting and want advice but have been conditioned to expect it to be handed to them like an order of French fries? 
Here are five things to remember when you are doing readings for clients or others, that will keep you from going crazy under the current conditions:

  1. You, as an oracle, are not there to solve the clients’ problems. Your job is not to “fix” things for them. You are there to tap into extrasensory perception in a way they cannot and provide a mirror for their past, present and future so that they can recognize their own habits and behaviors and decide how they might want to change them or not change them.  I have asserted in my blog, my videos and in my Facebook groups repeatedly that all of this psychic phenomena is about ESP: connecting to and understanding the human mind.  If the mind is unbalanced, the body will be unbalanced; the relationships will be unbalanced; the career will be unbalanced; the whole life will be unbalanced.  So, remember this: just because you can throw cards, or tap into the situation or hear spirits or read a person’s subconscious and present them with a mirror-reflection, it doesn’t mean you have the power (or right for that matter) to “fix’ it.  Remember always: no one has the power to fix a person’s life but them.
  2. It is not your job to tell someone what their profession should be.  Years ago, I remember catching one of those really bad daytime talk shows that had one of those very famous “psychics” on it.  A person stood up in the audience and asked the woman what career she should go into. Without missing a beat the psychic said: “nursing”. I was teaching at Universities at the time and was aware that they were no longer pushing computer degrees to potential students. The markets were saturated and they needed to start a new saturation campaign.  They were starting to push nursing along with a few other degree programs on potential students now. This psychic was a regular guest on the show and I checked out some of her other predictions for people who wanted career advice and I noticed a pattern.  She always pushed them towards the “hot” university degrees.  Coincidence?  Maybe.  That said, consider this too: a job doesn’t necessarily equate with happiness or fulfillment.  Some people have talents that are not welcomed by, nor will they thrive in, our current social structure.  Perhaps the very thing that will make a client happy and whole is not even available to them in this system. What is a fortuneteller or psychic or medium, etc. to tell them then?  Remember, it is not your role to tell them what their job will be and if it will make them happy.  Happiness, despite what we have been conditioned to believe from our schools, career counselors and religions, is something that comes from the inside and moves outward; not something that is told to someone and then magically takes root in their life.  Recognition of someone else’s life purpose is not something anyone should provide for another. In fact, it’s quite arrogant for anyone to think they are entitled to tell another who they “should be” and rob that person of their own self discovery.
  3. Relationships are really toxic right now and dysfunctional.  As a hypnotist, I use story as a way to help create change in people.  Knowing how stories are one of the most powerful tools to show the human mind how to grow and adapt, I am shocked to see how relationships are currently presented to people in their stories.  Daily, I see new stories in movies, television, books and even marketing platforms that hold up toxic and abusive and victim-inducing relationships as a goal.  People don’t have good patterns now for relationships, nor do they realize that relationships are really contracts/agreements and that everything happens because of both parties, not just one.  Another point to remember is that some people are actually in toxic and abusive relationships because that is what they crave and what they wish to feed on and quite often they come to other people for sympathy rather than solutions.  Remember: you can in the cards see whether a relationship is headed for a breakup , abuse, cheating or reconciliation and they are going to hobble and limp along.  You can also see those rare jewels that are really suited to each other and headed for success.  Just because you can see that someone has picked a relationship that will not help them flourish doesn’t mean that it’s your job to fix that for them. Many people, despite what they say, don’t want to fix a broken relationship.  They are in it because it is giving them exactly what they want.
  4. When people ask you for health advice, remember that they are operating in a health care system that gets richer and fatter the sicker they are.  When someone comes to you, expecting you, as a psychic, to tell them what treatment they should undergo in a system that is, for the most part, designed to make them sick, remember this: it is a losing game.  And if you convince yourself otherwise, you may be actually working against your own intuition. So, if you get information in a health reading that tells you: “I’ve got a bad feeling about all of this!”  That may be all you can tell them and it’s up to them to decide whether or not they find value in your assessment of the situation.  It’s also up to them to decide next what course of treatment they want.  To assume that you, because you are psychic, will have the right answer to which poison will make them whole is a horrible assumption, and a horrible place to put you in.
  5. When someone asks you what they are supposed to study or what schooling they are “supposed” to get to make them happy, remember that the school system is designed to make people compliant, not independent.  As someone who spent eight years as a college professor, I will tell you that the individuals teaching at the top are not people interested in making students flourish and healthy and adventurous. Those people are there usually because they are afraid of life and they are very good at taking orders and doing what they are told without question. School isn’t about becoming free or discovering new knowledge.  It’s about molding students into becoming the guy or gal who isn’t going to question any of the other societal garbage that’s being sold to them as gold.

Remember these things when you do a reading for someone. It’s a very difficult time for the oracle or soothsayer because we are daily put in awkward positions where the information we get many do not want to hear.  Right now, the truth is being looked at as lies and lies are held up as truth and you must negotiate these waters carefully and with great patience and a sincere desire to help people take steps to get back to their natural selves.

When you tell people “The system is broke,” it means that humanity has to, at this time, rise up and find alternatives that are completely different from anything we have seen in our lives.  Not in pushing people further into a broken system with platitudes and false positivity and then hoping for the best.  To do so results in Stockholm Syndrome, which simply put, means: people are embracing victimhood and lauding and defending the very things, leaders and ‘isms” that are causing them so much pain and suffering. 

I do not want to leave this on a negative note.  I want you to realize as someone who can read the signs and oracles, that you are in a very unique position to be able to use an oracle to help people see what sorts of actions will help them one step at a time.  Armed with insight and wisdom you can see what is likely to come and do your best to prepare people in their minds. Encourage change.  Show people they do have choices and they can change their lives by changing what they value.  Show them that experience is wisdom and they don’t have to accept the values that are being forced on them.  Encourage people to ask, “Why?”  Confirm their suspicions and help them to trust their own intuition.  Show them they have power to influence their space and how that is quite a bit to start with.  

Show them that power isn’t a dirty word.  To usurp a quote from the classic British comedy, Blackadder: “Power isn’t a dirty word, Blackadder. Crevice is a dirty word, but power isn’t.”

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Leap Frogging with Willows East.

OK and so this is the Willows East Blog Hop concocted by Gretchen Pearl.  This is the First time I’ve done one of these and so, if you’d like to see the original post on her blog it’s here: http://willowseast.blogspot.com/2016/07/tarot-blog-hop.html

1. What brought you to Tarot?
I wanted a deeper understanding.

2. Which deck is your favorite?

My Lucky Lynx Fortune Cards. I use them for everything. They are a modern interpretation of the Lenormand Deck based on archetypes from stories, television shows and old movies: things that affected me deeply growing up. I developed them to show that these archetypes are everywhere even though people may not realize it.  And whether they believe in Fortunetelling or not their minds are constantly being shaped by it.

My favorite actual Tarot deck though is The Whimsical Tarot by Dorothy Morrison. It was the deck that jumped out at me when a “tarot teacher” at a Ren Faire was busy telling me about all the decks I as a man should be drawn to because men weren’t as intuitive as women. While she was talking I just kept staring over her shoulder at the thing.  It had a picture of Puss in Boots on the box and I knew it was for me.

I thanked her for her advice and went and bought the deck at a metaphysical shop where they didn’t make assumptions about a person’s ability based on his gender.


3. Link to your Tarot business page, shop, or explain the purpose of your blog.

The purpose of my blog is to help people become professionals and to help them to do things they never thought about doing with divination. When I started out there were very few who had practical straight forward advice for people who wanted to make a living as a psychic.  This is the stuff I wish someone would have told me.

4. What makes your journey or business unique?

I do my best to help people in the most simple, straight-forward, no nonsense language I can. I do my best to make everything process-based and I aim at taking the vague mystical language out of the art form and talk about it in terms of the human mind, which is really how I believe it should be framed.
I have also developed several oracles based on a deep understanding of Tibetan Mo, or divination. I have taken years of studying with Tibetan Bon master and synthesized them into oracles that not only are designed to help the user develop his intuition, but to also give the user an out of the box ability to divine using tools that would normally take them years of study with a Tibetan master.

5. Ask your deck, higher self, or guide, what it would like to share with visitors. Draw one card and/or share your response.

Roll of my Lucky Lynx Kaiju Oracle: Mothra.

In the old Godzilla movies, Mothra only appeared when humanity was in danger of extinction or the planet was in danger of destruction.  She made a vow to protect humanity and our home planet, violently if needed.

The fact that Mothra came up in this context tells me that everyone who finds themselves reading this has some connection to the protection of humanity at this very fragile time in human history which the Tibetans predicted as “the time of tears”.  You have been called to defend humanity against those who would destroy it and we are at the eleventh hour. Humanity is about to go through a shedding that will not be pleasant, but one that you can weather if you join others who are like you and learn the skills needed to build a new, healthier  humanity. What can emerge is like nothing you have ever seen and you are here at one of the most interesting and exciting times on our planet’s timeline.  You have inside of you the power to create a profound gift for future generations.
She is also telling you that you have absolutely no idea what your mind is capable of. You have abilities inside of you that have been squashed by destructive religious systems, uncaring and cold school systems, a prison-like societal structure and draconian “leadership”. There are methods of healing that have been hidden from you, technologies that you don’t even know exist and basic knowledge that has been stolen from people. You have been denied your birthright all in the name of being someone else’s slave. You have been taught to be a victim. You have been divided from your brother and sister and you have been manipulated like pawns on a chess board.

There is always hope. But you must no longer accept what has been decided for you. It is time for you to come out of your chrysalis and become something new. 

Those of you who have divination at your disposal, ask it what has happened to humanity. Ask it what human potential really is. Ask it what stands in humanities way. Ask what is really behind mass shootings and government policies and racial and societal tensions. Ask what our current medicine system does to people and ask what the school systems have done to the human mind.

The real gift of the diviner is that he or she can see what is really happening in society and no one can hide the truth from them.

Monday, May 2, 2016

How to Do the Three Little Pigs Spread

The three little pigs: Pos1, Wolf; Pos2, Straw house; Pos 3, stick house; Pos3, Brick House.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

How to Read a Crystal Ball

This is a little video I shot on how to read a crystal ball.  Try it with our clients. You will be amazed at what you learn about yourself, your own mind and your clients.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Four Ways You're Not Using an Oracle Right Now That Will Make Your Clients Love you Like Pizza

Lucky Lynx Fortune Cards.    This technique can work with whatever oracle or method you prefer.

Every fortuneteller has his own style, own methods, own preferred tools. Some like the tarot, while others prefer palms.  Some use bones or coffee grounds or tea leaves. Others are an absolute whiz with their family’s method of divining with playing cards. Still others show astonishing skill in the art of reading faces.

It’s true there are at least a thousand different ways to get to the same information. And all methods can be just effective as any other when practiced by a competent fortuneteller.

Different fortunetellers also like to specialize in different areas. Some are compassionate love readers for example. Others like to focus on health. Some like to specialize in prosperity and career readings and have a dozen cartomancy spreads that get to the center of those issues.  While still others feel more comfortable zeroing in on family relationships, children and relatives who have passed on. Then there are those who are sort of 'general practitioners' who give their clients a little taste of each.

Whatever your methods and preferences there’s one thing for sure, we can all benefit form trying new things. It keeps us fresh as fortunetellers, sharpens our minds and gives us new insights into our craft.  It also helps us give our clients real value and helps them consider things about themselves that they might not have before meeting us.

Here are four things you can do with an oracle or method of reading to give your client more value than he or she bargained for and make them love you like…yes, pizza.

Each of these can be the starting point for a reading in their own right. Be open to what your intuition is telling you here. Be creative and have fun.  Readings should be fun. If you’re not having fun and your clients aren’t having fun then they won’t love you like pizza. They will hate you like liver. (We've all had those serious readings by those people who thought they were god's mouthpiece and can't even crack a joke. They are such a drag and leave you feeling ripped off.)

  1. Use the oracle to reveal a hidden heroic talent the client has that they do not know about.  This is a real powerful one.  So powerful that I developed a dice oracle entirely devoted to this subject master using very unlikely archetypes from modern animation and novels.  There is so little time and attention devoted to true heroism these days.  We seem to be inundated with people’s victimhood and all the things they are offended by. So, between telling people a little bit about their problems, their fears and their woes, throw in that hidden heroic talent that they aren't even aware they have and show them how they can be super heroes in their own lives.  Enjoy the look on their face when they realize that quality is really theirs and they've been neglecting it for years.
  2. Use the oracle to show them their greatest fear and obstacle and how that fear has been limiting their lives.  Once you do that: cast a 'what if' reading that will show what will happen in their lives if they release that fear.  If you don’t know how to do a 'what if' reading, Ill show you how in another blog post.  If you remember that in pretty much every case the person's greatest obstacle and fear is their own selves, it should be pretty simple to get to that aspect or aspects that is/are holding them back.
  3. Show them where their heart is.  The ancient Tibetans speak extensively in their teachings about humans 'being in their hearts'. By that I don't mean that they should become feelers and drop logic. It would be counterproductive to make those who are thinkers feel alienated from their own natures.  When I say show them where there heart is, I am referring to whether or not their energy is centered or if it is scattered or focused on something that is contrary to their wishes and goals.  Is their heart broken from seeking something outside of itself? Is it centered in a place of spiritual calmness? Is it captivated by something that is enslaving it? Is it fickle and fluttering? Is its steady and determined? Feeble? Dark and disengaged?  Where a client's heart is will show you so much about where they are coming from and where they are heading.  Try it and you will see your readings soar in accuracy and impact.
  4. Reveal one surprise that is coming their way that they don’t know is coming.  Now, the kind of surprise is up to you.  You can specify what one happy surprise is coming their way or you can just leave it at “surprise”.  In some cases it might be very helpful to know what it is that is coming to blindside them. In that case a less than happy surprise might help prepare them to see the opportunities present in what would otherwise be a devastating experience.  But again, the choice is completely yours as the fortuneteller.  Try it and see what kinds of surprises reveal themselves.
Try these little tweaks to a reading and see what they yield.   Feel free to leave your experiences is the comment section below and share the love and support with others.

May this little blog bring you some new ideas and help you bring greater value to your clients.  As always, I wish you success and good fortune.